Monday, February 15, 2010

In God We Trust

I received an email today from a friend about a poll from NBC. It seems 86% of the voters believe those words should remain in our currency and our lives. A lowly 14% did not. I find it ridiculous that this is even addressed. If only that were our biggest problem today.
Good to know that issue is settled. Can we now move on to the fact that many Americans are either under insured or uninsured, that many children in the US are starving and have nowhere to live, that the Katrina event is very much with us as undone, Haiti is in a disastrous state. AND most of all we have American and ally men and woman dying in the mid east to bring democracy to a mostly uninterested group of humans. If they truly wanted freedom from oppression, they would rally around those trying to educate them. That does not seem to be the case. Eight years in Afghanistan should have been an adequate amount of time to muster the knowledge of independence. They say they want the Americans out of their countries (including Iraq), yet, either they are too stupid to get and obtain the necessary knowledge or they just want to be able to complain about the current occupation of friendly troops.
President Obama was left with a mess in all areas and as much as people are said to be "sick" of that excuse, it is, none-the-less A FACT!
I am not happy with the government's inactions of the past year and do blame the bipartisan road blocks presented by both sides of the aisle in Congress.
Wall Street still rules, all factions collecting their bonuses. Now ain't that special! They have those bills that say "In God We Trust" and we don't.

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