Random bitch is that 2 weeks ago I downgraded by cable so it does not include IFC anymore. The bitch of that is Eddie Izzard is the MC on the Independent Spirit Award show which aired last night....sigh
Is he not the cutest guy u ever saw approaching 50 w/o such a white smile u need to don sunglasses? Well, there's Brad Pitt also....OK....one of the cutest guys approaching 50.
My main bitch this week is related to the new heatpump installed at my place. Never had one in my life so I did not know what to expect. I suggest, if u r contemplating one, choose a Trane (rated the best). Seems these pieces of shit use outside air as a heat source. I know what ur thinking; "what if it's freezing out there?"..well seems even in 0 degrees F, there is heat in that air. Well the thing is, there's a gizmo on the outside compressor that needs defrosting and that's done by grabbing inside air (from the return near the floor which is cooler air) and blowing it out to the fucking cold/frozen gizmo. That process seems to include blowing thru the house ducts also which is about the stupidest fucking thing I ever heard. Should be some sort of valve that closes to leave the house temp as is and continue directly to the target. I was reading up on that process and found that heat is supposed to be generated back to the inside temp after the cooling of that fucking gizmo.
So when that gizmo is getting its blowjob, cold air is circulating thru the house and happens to blow right in my face since my bed is across from the vent. Oh happy day! Had no idea what that was about when I called the maintenance guyz who, to my dismay, included a guy I cannot stand and have voiced my opinion of him as being as "useless as tits on a bull".
So a duo show up and "dickhead" proceeds to give me a science lesson on the location of hot air (coming from him) congregating near the ceiling=yep, got that; and cold air=down at floor level=yep, got that 2.
Then he has the other guy get out his "temp gun" which measures the temp of air wherever it's pointed giving a digital readout. This goes on with more crap being said by all of us but an answer is not given that I can see. He says he'll get one of the installation guys. So in comes that guy who explains away this issue in 2 sentences. "Dickhead" says he thought I would want to hear the answer from the installer guy and I concur. This "dickhead" ended his inclusion this way and made it known to me that most of the newer units had heatpumps (unsaid was that he knows ALL about these gizmos) which made me wonder why he didn't come up with the answer at the beginning of this visit. Patronizing fuckhead is what he is.
2nd patronizing fuckhead is the installation guy (who is making bookoo bucks installing many units here). I make mention of my need to control (meaning my environment; not just control it but understand its elements). His assumption leads to him saying "well, we're all here; so I guess so." Listen fuckhead; did not want a bunch of ballsacks in my place to begin with. So these heatpumps are supposed to be more energy efficient but will not produce heat as a gas/oil furnace does. So with the transference of cold air from a slab foundation and a heatpump that does not perform as most of it inhabitants are used to, I will live with it and shut my big mouth if my utility bill is less. I have sweatshirts,sweatpants and hats. I have put the temp at 75 and will leave it there until the next meter read. What is unknown is......how will this perform when the temp is 105. Cannot wait for that.
"Heat pumps got their name because they pump heat into your home in winter and out of your home in summer. Thus, they function like a furnace during the winter and a central air conditioner during the summer. This ability to both heat and cool makes them very economical and efficient home comfort systems." WE SHALL SEE.